Dr. Khosro Khodayari being interviewed by ETV News on recent trip to Andhra Pradesh, India

Dr. Khosro Khodayari being interviewed by ETV News on recent trip to Andhra Pradesh, India

Following the recent SynTech Global Conference on “Agribusiness Innovations and Contract Research”, in collaboration with the Government of Andhra Pradesh, SynTech Research President and CEO, Dr Khosro Khodayari, held an exclusive interview with the Hyderabad-based ETV News.

When asked about his perspectives on Indian agriculture, and particularly on rice production in the State, Dr Khodayari spoke from his background in rice farming. He replied that, despite efforts by hard-working Indian farmers, productivity is far from the high-level potential of the country. “Your farmers require help in all aspects of production, to raise the yield per hectare, and particularly to realise the benefits of growing high-quality basmati rice varieties through plant breeding,” said Dr Khodayari. He also praised the results of Indian scientists in this area and was gratified to see the announcement at the Conference of the new 6,500 officer/50,000 acre extension program in Andhra Pradesh.

He emphasised the need for land-levelling to maximise water usage, and focus on factors beyond the farm, including quality of the storage and transportation. “Other actions should be to preserve prime agricultural land from industrial building expansion and to ensure optimal rather than maximal fertiliser use,” said Dr Khodayari.

On SynTech’s future plans, Dr Khodayari pointed out that the Company had two large farms in the previous Andhra Pradesh state, and was looking to do more in the new state and other states, building on its existing lead position in seeds/traits and agrochemicals testing. This would involve hiring young agronomists and agriculture specialists, and providing them with training at SynTech’s US research stations. “We are committed to expand in India as part of our global vision for 2020,” said Dr Khodayari.

To view a video of this Interview, go to http://youtu.be/nc4Kik5s6-I
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