Sample processing for protein extraction

Sample processing for protein extraction

Following successful participation in the 2013 USDA/GIPSA Proficiency Testing, SynTech’s Environmental Biotech Laboratory at Stilwell, Kansas has successfully completed two 2014 GIPSA proficiency tests. The USDA/GIPSA (The Grain Inspection, Packers & Stockyards Administration ) Proficiency Program seeks to improve the overall performance of testing for biotechnology-derived grains and oil seeds, by helping organizations improve their capability and reliability in detecting and/or quantifying transgenic traits. The program then monitors laboratories’ continuing performance.

Set-up of gel electrophoresis for DNA insert testing

Set-up of gel electrophoresis for DNA insert testing

The many participants in the program include laboratories from organizations globally, including Agbiotech companies, CROs, Food Research institutes, Universities and Government laboratories.

SynTech’s Environmental Biotech Laboratory’s proficiency was assessed in the following areas:
Endpoint based PCR – for Corn: 35S, NOS, MON810, Herculex, MON863, MON89034 and Pat; for Soya: 35S, NOS, FMV, RR, LL, RURII, DP305423;
Lateral Flow Strips – for Corn: Pat, Cry2A, Cry1F; for Soya: RR, Pat
ELISA – for Corn: Cry1F, Cry3Bb, Cry1Ab; for Soya: RR/RRII.

For the full 2014 GIPSA Report, click here